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Santiago's Entertainment Guide


The Real Filharmonía de Galicia will give a concert in the Church of Santo Agostiño conducted by Sebastian Zinca and featuring Paulina Bielarczyk as soprano. Pieces by L. v. Beethoven, W. A. Mozart, J. Sibelius, A. Beach and G. Verdi will be performed.
20:30 | Auditorio Abanca
Resoando no pasado' is a journey through the history of mankind by means of instruments. Abraham Cupeiro guides us on this journey using his huge collection of millenary instruments.


20:30 | Auditorio de Galicia
17/01/2025 - 18/01/2025
20:30 | Teatro Principal
Premiere of Teatro do Noroeste's new show
21/02/2025 - 22/02/2025
18:00 | Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Clásicas desfeitas is a cycle promoted by the Centro Dramático Galego with the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia to rediscover the classics through the languages of the contemporary stage. The cycle is part of the Gaiás Artistic Residencies programme (REGA).
28/02/2025 - 01/03/2025
19:00 | Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Clásicas desfeitas is a cycle promoted by the Centro Dramático Galego with the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia to rediscover the classics through the languages of the contemporary stage. The cycle is part of the Gaiás Artistic Residencies programme (REGA).
06/03/2025 - 07/03/2025
20:30 | Teatro Principal
In the 16th century, a small community of nuns on the banks of the Minho River was threatened by the greed of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. The lords of the Church, in order to put an end to the resistance of the sisters, do not hesitate to defame and threaten them by all means, from the...
20:30 | Teatro Principal
In 2001, for the first time in Spain, a woman won a sexual harassment trial against a politician. Nevenka Fernández sat for the first time a mayor on the bench of the accused, becoming the first #MeToo case in a country that gave her the reason in court, but stigmatised her publicly....
05/04/2025 - 06/04/2025
18:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
Check-in producciones brings to Santiago this large-scale production with a luxury cast including Antonio Durán ‘Morris’, Alba Flores, Natalia Hernández, María Morales, Paco Ochoa, Blanca Portillo, Guillermo Toledo, Juan Vinuesa and the Coro de Jóvenes de...
09/05/2025 - 10/05/2025
20:30 | Teatro Principal
Night of Luar. Crossroads of paths. A small, melancholic man enters the scene. He is the character of O Xestal. With a candle in his hand, dressed as a strong Rosalian piper, he comes out to a young garrido. It is death. O Xestal refuses to recognise death in such an atypical appearance. When...

For children

17:30 | Mupega (Museo Pedagógico de Galicia)
A Xanela do Maxín. Storytelling with puppets


23/02/2024 - 24/02/2024
Plaza de Mazarelos
It is undoubtedly a great daring that, in its sixth edition, the Rosalía Festival will be filled with sunshine, harmony and naturalness, to celebrate new and diverse creativity in the Galician language.
21/02/2025 - 23/02/2025
Under the slogan Sen pombas nin flores, inspired by a Rosalian verse taken from Follas Novas, a wide-ranging programme including recitals, street entertainment, concerts and theatre will take place over 3 days. 


20:00 | Libraría Pedreira
Presentation of the book ‘Brezhoneg. A lingua celta da Bretaña’.
18:00 | Teatro Principal
The event will take place at the Teatro Principal and will be attended by renowned cultural figures such as Ana Romaní, Andrea Nunes, Guadi Galego, Tero Rodríguez and Uxía, who will remember the author through a journey through her literary and poetic career.
Presentation of the book: ‘Lendas e contos da bisbarra de Santiago’, written by Mª Autora Lestón Mayo. The author will be accompanied by Flor Pernas.  This small compilation immerses us in a variety of historical texts, codices and oral contributions, in the search...


18:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
The Auditorio de Galicia hosts a concert based on the book-disc entitled O segredo de Joseph Haydn by the author Suso de Toro and illustrated by Xosé Cobas.


22/03/2024 - 07/04/2024
Festivity of Tourist Interest of Galicia Holy Week in a spiritual, historic city, peace and much more


Musical performances, vermouth session, popular food and many more activities in the Carnival of Conxo.
16/03/2024 - 18/03/2024
Romería de San Lázaro: 'Festa Gastronómica da Uña' [5-7 abril 2025]
A religious and gastronomic festival. One of the most unique and oldest festivities in Galicia.
11:00 | O Tangueiro
 Water wheels route. Directed by Patricia Fernández, director of the “Sar River Restoration” project. Includes visit and exhibition of the operation of the Mourullo Mill (Multipurpose of Sar) at 12:00 p.m.
Tenth edition of this 70's themed party organised by the San Martiño Pinario Cultural Association.
19/07/2024 - 31/07/2024
The festivities dedicated to the Apostle, the patron saint of Santiago, of Galicia and of all of Spain, last for about a fortnight. This festival combines religious and official solemnity, tradition and entertainment, which turn the entire city into a large fiesta. July 24th and...

Guided visits

11:00 | Café Casino
A journey through the 150 years of history of the Casino de Santiago and its artistic and decorative heritage in the Rüa do Vilar: old costumes, documents, photographs and board games.  
19:30 | Biblioteca Pública Ánxel Casal
The Agrupación Cultural O Galo is organising the lecture (short) and the micro-walk on the sculptor Francisco Asorey.  They will be held one after the other and will be given by Professor Maribel Iglesias Baldomero, who presented her doctoral thesis on the great Cambadian artist at...
09/09/2024 - 14/09/2024
The Invisible Heritage Week is a cycle that opens the doors of treasures, usually closed, and designs guided visits for small groups so that their users keep a unique cultural experience in their memorie
17:55 | Catedral
This activity is part of the cycle Coñecemento e visibilización da historia de Compostela e do Reino de Galiza, focused on making visible the socio-cultural resources that we preserve from the Middle Ages and the relations of the church with the royalty and the great nobles of...
11:00 | Café Casino
A journey through the 150 years of history of the Casino de Santiago and its artistic and decorative heritage in the Rüa do Vilar: old costumes, documents, photographs and board games.


Cultural event held simultaneously in the 15 World Heritage Cities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the creation of this Group.


19:30 | Ateneo De Santiago
Conference organized by the Science, Technology and Environment Section, entitled “O desafío dunha crise ambiental acelerada e global”, which will be given by Emilio Fernández Suárez, Professor of Ecology at the University of Vigo.
20:00 | Centro Sociocultural O Ensanche
Lecture by Beatriz Brasa as part of the cycle ‘Knowledge and Visibilisation of the Civil War and Repression in Santiago’ organised by the Agrupación Cultural O Galo.
19:30 | Centro Sociocultural O Ensanche
Conference as part of the cycle ‘Coñecemento e visibilización da historia de Compostela e do Reino de Galiza: o Panteón Real da catedral de Santiago’ organised by the AC O Galo.
II Cultural Conference for charitable purposes on the occasion of the 525th anniversary of the Brotherhood of the Rosary. Given by Ana Pérez Varela. Entity benefiting from the donations: Cottolengo del Padre Alegre.
19:30 | Ateneo De Santiago
Conference entitled “A escrita de Neira Vilas no ámbito do xornalismo”, which will be given by Xosé López, Professor of Journalism at the USC, and Fernando Redondo, President of the Xosé Neira Vilas Foundation.
19:30 | Ateneo De Santiago
In collaboration with the Galician Federalist Association, there will be a colloquium entitled “O Federalismo en Castelao”, with the participation of Ramón Máiz, Professor of Political Science at the USC and President of the Galician Federalist Association, and...


31/01/2024 - 01/03/2024
Colexio de Fonseca
Enrique Labarta Pose, born in Baio (Zas), was a writer and journalist. As a writer he wrote poetry, narrative and theatre, standing out especially for his humorous stories and his poetry, both lyrical and satirical.
20/03/2024 - 09/04/2024
Colegio de Fonseca
The exhibition, organised by the Juana de Vega Chair, is a tribute to all those hard-working women and tireless fighters who from the 19th century and throughout the 20th century were closely linked to the sea and its industries. It is a collective account of all these professional fisherwomen:...
22/03/2024 - 04/08/2024
Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Royal treasures. Masterpieces from the Museum of the Holy Land is an international exhibition that will showcase in Santiago de Compostela the extraordinary and little-known artistic treasure of the Museum of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, made up of donations from European Catholic...
14/05/2024 - 18/05/2024
On the occasion of International Museum Day, several of the city's museums are organising special programmes.  
12/06/2024 - 17/08/2024
Sede Afundación Santiago de Compostela
This is an exhibition on fashion and opera, featuring 24 haute couture dresses that belonged to Teresa Berganza (1933-2022). The so-called ‘mezzo-soprano of the century’ was also a benchmark of elegance, wearing the most beautiful dresses in the recitals she gave all over the...
19/06/2024 - 30/11/2024
Mosteiro e Igrexa de San Martiño Pinario
The 27th edition of Las Edades del Hombre will be held between June and September in the Cathedral of Santiago and the Monastery of San Martiño Pinario.
18/07/2024 - 30/11/2024
Casa do Cabido
The exhibition ‘Ksado. Icons of Galicia’ delves into the history of Galician photography by the author Luis Casado and brings together around 300 pieces including photographs, postcards, stickers and photographic material.
18/07/2024 - 04/10/2024
Museo de las Peregrinaciones y de Santiago
This exhibition offers the opportunity to look back over a quarter of a century through a selection of works from the temporary exhibitions and is organised according to the different exhibition programmes that the centre put together. Because the exhibitions are ephemeral (volant), but the...
05/09/2024 - 31/10/2024
Colexio de Fonseca
The exhibition ‘Miradas. Mulleres na arte' by Elsa Martínez seeks to pay tribute to the female representatives who stood out in the world of art and also to those who remained anonymous. 
19/09/2024 - 30/03/2025
Museo do Pobo Galego
This is a collaborative installation that seeks to rescue the affective memory of Bonaval and the Museo do Pobo Galego. The artistic proposal, which will be developed with the mediation of DEAC and in collaboration with the associative fabric of the neighbourhood, takes as its starting point a...
23/09/2024 - 30/11/2024
Convento e Iglesia de Santo Agostiño
07/10/2024 - 25/01/2025
Sede Afundación Santiago de Compostela
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Afundación, Obra Social ABANCA, we invite you to a creative party that celebrates art and culture all over Galicia through the SIMULTÁNEA macro-project with seven exhibitions in seven cities. The Afundación Art Collection is the...
17/10/2024 - 12/11/2024
Igrexa da Compañía (Universidade)
The exhibition coincides with the 200th anniversary of the death of José Rodríguez (Bermés, Lalín, 1770 - Santiago de Compostela, 1824), which is why the RAGC chose the mathematician as the Galician Scientist of 2024, and a series of activities are being carried out...
18/10/2024 - 06/01/2025
Auditorio de Galicia
The exhibition Xaquín Marín, humor líquido galego arrives at the Auditorio de Galicia to show a careful selection of pieces that cover the more than sixty years of profession of the cartoonist, painter, muralist, caricaturist and artist born in Fene in 1943.
03/12/2024 - 29/12/2024
Museo do Pobo Galego
75 years ago, in December 1949, Castelao, exiled in Argentina, signed on his deathbed the first pages of what was to be his last published work: As cruces de pedra na Galiza, the result of many years of study of these particular examples of popular religiosity. 
05/12/2024 - 12/01/2025
The Historical Library and the Chapter House of the Cathedral are hosting a temporary exhibition entitled ‘De un pesebre haces, Niño, cuna preciosa’, organised by the staff of the Archive-Library of the Cathedral of Santiago on the occasion of the celebration of Christmas.
16/01/2025 - 02/02/2025
Museo do Pobo Galego
Louza de Bamio: memoria, mulleres e territorio invites the public to discover the richness of a trade that has disappeared today: the oleira tradition of the parish of San Xinés de Bamio, in Vilagarcía de Arousa. 
17/01/2025 - 31/01/2025
Centro Comercial Área Central
The arrival of the train to Galicia 150 years ago will be the central axis of the new proposal of activities offered by the Outlet Área Central this January.
28/01/2025 - 25/05/2025
Auditorio de Galicia
This exhibition is an artistic and historical reflection on the identity of Galicia. Curated by Germán Labrador Méndez, this exhibition combines art, memory and modernity to offer a new perspective of our history.
04/02/2025 - 31/03/2025
Facultad de Filología
This exhibition, curated by doctoral student Laura Paz Fentanes, is a small sample of the material held in the José Ángel Valente Chair of Poetry and Aesthetics, directed by Claudio Rodríguez Fer and created after the poet's appointment as doctor honoris causa by the...


22/03/2024 - 07/04/2024
Holy Week in Compostela has always had a special charm, and its monumental setting is a World Heritage Site. The commemoration of the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ, of profound significance for the Christian faith, finds in this city magnificent settings that give the traditional...


15/02/2025 - 15/03/2025
Santiago de Compostela
Very close to Santiago: Boqueixón, A Estrada, Silleda, Touro, Vedra, Vila de Cruces
The “Xenerais da Ulla” is the most outstanding feature of the Ulla region’s traditional Carnival. It has been held in the surroundings of Santiago since the first half of the 19th century: the “Xenerais” (generals) ride on horseback, dressed in colourful...