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212 matches | Outdoors
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela David Fiuza (director) Ana San Martín (voz) Repertoire: X.Montes:...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías David Fiuza...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela David Fiuza (director) Repertoire: J.Brahms: HUNGARIAN DANCESA.Dvorak:...
A musical review of some of the musical arts (architecture, sculpture, painting, cinema) as well as the literary arts (the novel by José...
PROGRAMME: "dende a orixe". A journey through the origins of the original classical repertoire for symphonic band. -Juan Cantó...
The Bosque de Galicia (Forest of Galicia) rises up on the slopes of Monte Gaiás with 7,000 native trees (oaks, chestnuts, willows,...
Brañas de Sar is a space covering 33 hectares that forms part of the Sar River basin. The walk goes from the swimming pools and Fontes do...
A Galician musician by origin, universal by destiny and innovative by conviction, Budiño will be the protagonist of the concert for the...
Entire city   The Three Wise Men are the ones who bring Spanish children their gifts on the night of January 5th, a tradition that...
The Three Wise Men will walk through the streets of the city to the Praza do Obradoiro. At the end there will be the traditional reception at...