Galeras Park runs along the banks of the small river Sarela, in a flat area where it is joined by the Corgo stream. This watercourse is delimited in the west by the Finca do Espiño estate (with luxuriant vegetation and a romantic modernist mansion) and Monte Pío (the president of Galicia's official residence), and in the east by the old town; this enables us to compare the scale of large singular buildings (Cathedral, former hospital, etc) with that of the small houses and rural constructions leading up to Monte Pedroso. It therefore marks the transition between city and countryside.
Galeras is, above all, a large meadow that is well suited to walking, children's play and sports. Furthermore, it is bordered by several unique architectures as well as cafes and restaurants, with views of the park.
Technical data:
Extension: 31.153 m2
Duration of park tour: 10 minutes
Topography: minimum slope
Open: 24 hours
Special botanical interest
Viewpoint / good views
Extensive lawns
Areas with benches for resting
Pedestrian itineraries
Posibility of cycling
Accesibility for the handicapped
Drinking fountains
Children's playground
Sports areas
Night lighting
Nearby parking areas