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Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin del Camino
Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin del Camino
20/04/2024 - 31/12/2024
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Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin del Camino

Thousands of steps lead the traveler to Santiago. Gone are the preparations for the journey, the anxieties and the fatigues, the unexpected friends, the unexpected beauty. The city welcomes the pilgrim, it will shelter him with its hospitality of centuries of openness to the outsider. Acolleo in that changing and dual reality of a quiet city of varied architectures and rural surroundings of tents drying in the air on the sunny side.

From this reality we find the abundant literature dedicated to the city. Of its history and myths, closely linked to the pilgrimage, of its streets and buildings, of the art they house, of its people and its vibrant cultural and social life.

It is difficult to choose which books can represent a city you love. Because Santiago for the pilgrim is the dreamed city, that goal that does not reach corporeality until the end of the trip; but for those who live there it is the daily life, the way to work, the chats in the terraces, the music in a square, a Saturday in the market...

The library of the museum presents within its program Library in action a selection of publications from its bag of duplicates related to Santiago. Among them there are books of history, urbanism, debates and photographs, fiction and social life.

It is impossible to cover such a wide reality, but we hope you enjoy this small sample.

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Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin del Camino
Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin del Camino

More information

Pilgrimage and Santiago Museum
Praza de Praterías, Santiago de Compostela, 15704
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Biblioteca en acción: Compostela, fin do Camiño
Start date
Finish date

From 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.

From 11.00 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

From 10.15 a.m. to 2.45 p.m.

Every Monday of the year
January 1st and 6th
May 1st
December 24th, 25th and 31st