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41 matches | Literature
El 27 de enero hace 25 años que nos dejó Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Natural de Serantes, en el concello de Ferrol, fue escritor,...
Storytelling for babies by Catuxa Cela. Camila is already a classic for our childhood. A story in which collaboration and empathy take centre...
Storytelling by Miguel Ángel Alonso Diz We celebrate Poetry Day with the storyteller La poesía es un cuento (Poetry is a story) by...
The Cultural Association O Galo and the Cultural Association Vagalumes celebrate the Reading of Castelao's Alba de Gloria at the summit of Pico...
On the occasion of the commemoration of the European Day of Languages, the Library of Galicia is organising the workshop As letras viaxeiras,...
Anthology of the work of Bernardino Graña, one of the founding members of the Brais Pinto group, a full member of the Royal Academy since...
El Centro Sociocultural y Juvenil Municipal del Ensanche alberga la Biblioteca Afundación, un espacio dedicado a la promoción del...
Thousands of steps lead the traveler to Santiago. Gone are the preparations for the journey, the anxieties and the fatigues, the unexpected...
The Library of Galicia celebrates Library Day with the theatrical performance Little Red Riding Hood in the attic, a family show by the company...
 This museum recreates the student atmosphere of the famous boarding house run by 'Doña Generosa' in Santiago de Compostela at the...