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Bewis de la Rosa makes 'rap-rural' a multifaceted artistic proposal that invites to transformation. Performative concerts, a fanzine that...
Catchy songs and 'cuquipunkis' that talk about things that affect all mortals (and especially millenials), such as not wanting to meet your ex,...
Using cumbia, the favourite daughter of Latin American rhythms, as a mother ship, Cosmic Wacho recreates a musical universe where the Meridian...
The closing of Atardecer no Gaiás returns the spotlight to Rocío Saiz to break the curse that deprived us of enjoying the melodies...
Santi Araújo returns to Gaiás to present his second album, Canciones para bailar. An album that moves away from his previous work...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela David Fiuza (director) Ana San Martín (voz) Repertoire: X.Montes:...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela Agrupación Folclórica Colexiata de Sar David Fiuza...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías David Fiuza...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela David Fiuza (director) Repertoire: Duarte Ferreira Pestana: PAISAGEM...
Banda Municipal de Música de Santiago de Compostela Galicia Clarinet Fest David Fiuza (director) Xocas Meijide (clarinete...