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The Teatro Principal will host the Extraordinary Concert at the end of the Advanced Orchestral Specialisation Course of the Escuela de Altos...
Conference entitled “A escrita de Neira Vilas no ámbito do xornalismo”, which will be given by Xosé López,...
The exhibition brings together a total of 73 works of press photographers working in our community and aims to highlight their work, some of them...
This exhibition of photographs by Saleta Rosón takes us to two abandoned cities: a colonial one called Kolmanskop, built by the Germans in...
Talk by María José Domínguez entitled: "Roteiro pola psique. A travelogue to the interior".
The Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) is organising the conference ‘A nautreza do espazo-tempo’ on...
This unique exhibition displays 28 paintings by Tadahiko Horiguchi, one of the first and most outstanding creators of Japanese anime and disciple...
We want to introduce you to little Luísa. A restless girl who likes to play and imagine but, above all, who loves to write and play her...
The Invisible Heritage Week is a cycle that opens the doors of treasures, usually closed, and designs guided visits for small groups so that...
On Friday 7 June at 20:00h at Café Airas Nunes there will be a musical presentation of Nuria de León's watercolour exhibition....