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Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión
Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión
07/06/2024 - 17/10/2024
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Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión

The exhibition Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión (Minds not a Labyrinth: Mental Health, Culture and Inclusion) approaches this problem in order to delve into the fact that culture and art are an important element of social inclusion for people, and in particular for those people belonging to sensitive groups or with special difficulties.

Mentes no labirinto is an exhibition project of the Archive of Galicia, coordinated and curated by Mar García Miraz and Miguel López Sánchez, which, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Archives Day, takes part of the documentary collection that this institution holds, bequeathed by the Psychiatric Hospital of Conxo.

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Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión
Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión

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Mentes no labirinto: saúde mental, cultura e inclusión
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From 9 to 21h