Centro comercial Area Central
8 matches | Centro comercial Area Central
The program of activities will include the exhibition “150 years of the arrival of the railroad to Galicia”, by the Compostelan...
Ideal for fun and business trips, the establishment is located a short distance from the Cathedral, the Xunta government, courthouse and bus...
The 1st Antiques and Collecting Fair will be held on 11 and 12 January 2025, an event organised by the Ferro Vello Cultural Association.
Área Central is hosting the I Juntanza de patchwork, an occasion organised by Lorena Blanco (@lorypatch) and the Hilar Fino establishment...
A proposal of different actions around the camellia organized with the concello de Vedra and the Asociación de amigos da Camelia do Val do...
Photographic exhibition on the humanitarian work of the NGO Tierra de Hombres in Ukraine, a humanitarian aid project financed by the area of...
Feria de Minerales que se organiza en Área Central con 30 expositores de varios países y 150 metros de...
With 35 exhibitors, 160 meters of exhibition, stands of minerals, fossils, meteorites and jewelry, it has already become the largest of its kind...