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Santiago's Entertainment Guide


12:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela Municipal Music Band Symphonic Band of the CMUS of Santiago de Compostela David Fiuza & Alejandro Valcárcel, conductors
20:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
Municipal Music Band of Santiago de Compostelawith the Coro Cardenal Quiroga and the collaboration of the Friends of the Opera of Santiago de Compostela. David Fiuza, conductor Laura Brasó, soprano Álvaro Miguélez, tenor José Luis Vázquez, vocal director
12:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela Municipal Music Band David Fiuza, conductor
12:00 | Teatro Principal
Concert by the Municipal Band of Santiago de Compostela in collaboration with the Xunta de Confrarías de Santiago de Compostela and the Semana Santa de Viveiro. David Fiuza, conductor
12:00 | Auditorio de Galicia
FAMILY CONCERT Santiago de Compostela Municipal Music Band Galician Federation of Popular Music Bands Lodanzas Academy David Fiuza, conductor Loli Fojón, choreography


16/05/2024 - 25/05/2024
The Plataforma Festival is an unmissable annual event for lovers of culture and the arts, bringing together diverse audiences with its interdisciplinary approach. Between May 16 and 25, the festival will energize the streets and squares of the city, with performances, music, film, dance, stage...

For children

29/11/2024 - 05/01/2025
16:00 | Iglesia de San Fiz de Solovio
From Friday 29 November to Sunday 5 January you can enjoy the impressive nativity scene donated and assembled by the nativity scene maker José Uzal: more than 500 figures make up this nativity scene which includes different scenes, moving pieces and also special lighting and sound...


13/12/2024 - 15/12/2024
Christmas festival dedicated to the creative talent of artists, artisans, producers and entrepreneurs in Galicia: fashion design brands and accessories, handmade toys, jewelry and jewelry, illustration and stationery, decoration, ceramics, household objects...


11:00 | O Tangueiro
 Water wheels route. Directed by Patricia Fernández, director of the “Sar River Restoration” project. Includes visit and exhibition of the operation of the Mourullo Mill (Multipurpose of Sar) at 12:00 p.m.
25/05/2024 - 26/05/2024
The Festa do Banquete de Conxo will count on the tourist train, which will be available to citizens and visitors for free transfers between the Alameda, in the city centre, and the neighbourhood of Conxo.  


27/05/2024 - 30/06/2024
Around two hundred commercial and hospitality establishments in the city join the Compostela Diversa initiative. Shops, bars, restaurants and accommodation celebrate diversity with aprons, posters, postcards, coasters, tablecloths and LGTBI banners.
29/11/2024 - 06/01/2025
18:00 | Parque de la Alameda
A tour of artistic illumination through Paseo da Ferradura in Alameda Park.     


13/07/2024 - 26/09/2024
Colegiata Santa María a Real do Sar
Among the cultural activities to be held in the cycle Folk na Beira do Sar, the photographic exhibition "A Ras do Sar" will be inaugurated, with 64 snapshots of 32 members of the Fotoforum Compostela collective that highlight the different identities of this neighborhood of Compostela.
28/01/2025 - 25/05/2025
Auditorio de Galicia
This exhibition is an artistic and historical reflection on the identity of Galicia. Curated by Germán Labrador Méndez, this exhibition combines art, memory and modernity to offer a new perspective of our history.

Guided visits

10:00 | Estadio Múltiusos Fontes do Sar
Guided walk O Berce do Sar: a tour of the district of San Lázaro along the banks of the river Sar" SPECIAL FIESTA OF THE NAIL 2024".  


07/09/2025 - 27/09/2025
Teatro Principal
Amateur theatre The Agustín Magán Festival was born in 2001 with the purpose of promoting the best theatrical productions of the amateur federated companies. The works that participate each year, in total 6, are selected by a jury and represent the most interesting proposals of...


10/11/2025 - 29/11/2025
Teatro Principal
Festival held since 1988 throughout the entire month of November. Aimed exclusively at cinema buffs, it reviews the season’s best non-commercial cinema. Not to be missed in order to savour the city’s cultural atmosphere. +Info