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Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego
Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego
31/10/2024 - 18/05/2025
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Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego

From dream to apocalypse. Los caminos de la literatura fantástica en gallego is an exhibition of the Biblioteca de Galicia that aims to vindicate the importance of this literary genre, often stigmatised as ‘minor’ and usually associated with an audience of children and young people.

This exhibition, through more than 100 bibliographic pieces, engravings, manuscripts and other materials brought by the authors on display, highlights the value of fantasy literature both originally written in Galician and translated into our language.

Most Galician publishers have lacked specific collections devoted to fantasy literature. This exhibition aims to banish the prejudices that exist about the genre. 

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Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego
Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego

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Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Lugar de la Ciudad de la Cultura, Santiago de Compostela, 15702
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Do soño á apocalipse. Os vieiros da literatura fantástica en galego
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