An ambitious project was approved in 1929 to create students’ residences and other university facilities, which form the basis of the present-day South Campus. This project involved an extension of –and also an alternative to- the congested existing city, following the 19th-century hygiene-based ideas of `green city´ or `garden city´.
The general layout is based on a south-facing axis from the stairway linking it to the Alameda park and includes green spaces, sports facilities and residences. There are magnificent views of the entire area from the top of the stairway, which also overlooks Monte Pedroso and the A Mahía valley. The water rising from the foot of the stairway runs along the central avenue, giving rise to ponds and fountains.
The gardens are formalised with a rigorous geometric layout: lawns, flowerbeds, ponds and paths are connected by walks, with a great variety of trees and ornamental plants – white cedars, camellias, magnolias, pines, cedars, junipers, ginkgoes…- forming a peculiar city botanical garden.