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Deadpan Karaoke
Deadpan Karaoke
07/03/2024 - 08/03/2024
print cuaderno de viaje

Deadpan, from the English 'dead face, empty of expression, imperturbable'; Karaoke, from the Japanese kara ('empty') and oke ('orchestra'). Deadpan Karaoke is a one-woman show with a participative character that proposes absurdity, stupidity, surprise, comedy, music and cinema as its main ingredients, all framed in a space that moves from the real to the dreamlike with a clear plastic ambition and that captures the sublime character of love through moments of great beauty.  

  • Director: Patricia Rodríguez
  • Interpretation: Marián Bañobre
  • Creation and dramaturgy: Patricia Rodríguez and Marián Bañobre
  • Assistant director and choreographer: Carmela Bueno
  • Sound design and musical composition: Mónica de Nut
  • Lighting and set design: Violeta Martínez
  • Audiovisual design and production: Marta Valverde, Gustaf Nilsson and Javier Lueje
  • Costume design: Marián Bañobre
  • Costume designer: Bety Busto and Marián Bañobre
  • Characterisation: Baia Fernández
  • Production: Santiago Cortegoso
  • Touring technique: Violeta Martínez and Héctor Pazos

Image gallery

Deadpan Karaoke
Deadpan Karaoke

More information

Teatro Principal
Rúa Nova, 22, Santiago de Compostela, 15705
Titulo del enlace
Deadpan Karaoke
Start date
Finish date
Start time
Price in advance
