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Official WOMEX 2016

6 matches | Official WOMEX 2016
Inaugurado en septiembre de 2011, ocupa el inmueble conocido con el nombre de Pazo de Ramirás y acoge un auditorio en dos alturas con una...
Project: Auditorio de Galicia Architects: Julio Cano Lasso Date:  1986-1989 Location: North...
Project: Cidade da Cultura de Galicia Architects: Peter Eisenman Date: 1999- Location: Outer Ring  In...
This multi-session venue features an extensive and varied weekly programme that includes the latest tendencies in pop, rock, modern and...
Home to the Galician Drama Centre, Galicia’s theatre company, and the venue of all of its premieres and the productions of other Galician...
Known for its continuous Galician- and Spanish-language theatre programme. It also hosts different kinds of shows now and again. And every Sunday...