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Galician culture

137 matches | Galician culture
On the afternoon of February 11, the parish of O Eixo in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais...
The parish of Angrois in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais da...
Season 2023/24: "POSTAIS". Programme: "dende a espiritualidade". -Richard Wagner: SIEGFRIED IDYLLL -Yasuhide Ito:...
APPROXIMATE DATES The Agustín Magán Festival was born in 2001 with the purpose of promoting the best theatrical productions of the...
#Punctum puts two irrefutable realities on the table: that the designed band is art and that the Galician BD artists possess a visual power and...
The Xenerais da Ulla will take part in the Carnival celebrations in the district of Compostela. The natural region of A Ulla features an...
The parish of Aríns in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais da Ulla perfomance. - 19:00...
El 27 de enero hace 25 años que nos dejó Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Natural de Serantes, en el concello de Ferrol, fue escritor,...
This exhibition of photographs by Saleta Rosón takes us to two abandoned cities: a colonial one called Kolmanskop, built by the Germans in...
The Galician Carlos Fernández Bollo will offer his first concert in Santiago de Compostela and will do so with a program composed of...