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#Punctum, beliscos de BD na arte contemporánea galega
#Punctum, beliscos de BD na arte contemporánea galega
02/04/2024 - 30/06/2024
print cuaderno de viaje

#Punctum puts two irrefutable realities on the table: that the designed band is art and that the Galician BD artists possess a visual power and an artistic discourse of the first order.

Maru Astray, Julia Lago, Bea Lema, Uxía Larrosa, Xulia Pisón and Pepa Prieto Puy, artists of the Banda Diseñada and the Galician fancine show in this exhibition space their talent in rich and heterogeneous proposals that deal with themes, codes, supports and aesthetic challenges in force in our heritage.

Image gallery

#Punctum, beliscos de BD na arte contemporánea galega
#Punctum, beliscos de BD na arte contemporánea galega

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Auditorio de Galicia
Avenida do Burgo das Nacións, Santiago de Compostela, 15782
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#Punctum, beliscos de BD na arte contemporánea galega
Start date
Finish date

Every day from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00 h [on concert days the exhibition hall closes at 19.00 h].