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Very close to Santiago: Silleda

In the place known as Os Castros there is a “castro,” an archaeological site from the Iron Age, which archaeologists have recently called Castro de Toiriz after the nearby village. The “castro” consists of two walled enclosures, an almost circular one at the top of the hill, on the crown (Eira dos Mouros), and another lower down, attached to the former in the south and east. In the exterior of the latter enclosure, there is a parallel defensive system made up of a trench and parapet.

Although this “castro” has not been excavated, based on the characteristics of its location and the ceramic remains that have been found, archaeologists calculate that the fortified village could have been erected around the 4th century. In addition to its heritage value, Os Castros de Toiriz is a point of reference for numerous popular legends, giving this place an aura of special mysticism. The “castro” complex is easily identified with numerous information panels, due to the restoration carried out thanks to the group called “Colectivo pola Recuperación de Os Castros de Toiriz” in 2010.

The area’s mild climate has enabled a diversity of trees, including, naturally, the existence of mystic trees full of legends, such as the oaks (quercus robur) and chestnut trees (castanae sativa) surrounding the “castro”. There are other thermophilic trees, characteristic of Mediterranean woodland, which grow well in sunny spots and well-drained soils, such as the laurel (laurus nobilis). The forest also features the existence of pine trees, the stumps of cut-down eucalyptus trees and open areas with gorse (ulex) and broom (cytisus) bushes.

This area features a tall geological formation with a predominance of granitic rocks, which were used by the area’s ancient settlers; crows (corvus corax) and the odd falcon (falco peregrinus) are frequently seen flying overhead.

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Os Castros de Toiriz
Os Castros de Toiriz

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Toiriz, Silleda, 36540