16th c.
This school was commissioned by Archbishop Alonso de Fonseca, converting the house where he was born and which belonged to his influential family for educational purposes. It began to function in 1544 and was later used to house the University of Compostela, created with the patronage of his family at the beginning of the century. Its Renaissance façade consists of two sections with Gothic statues in the intercolumniations and in the frieze niches. In the centre of the façade, in the middle of the frieze separating the building's two sections, the Fonseca coat of arms with five stars stands out, surrounded by images representing the Doctors of the Church. Inside we can visit the courtyard bordered by an epigraphic legend, made by Gil de Hontañón. To the right of the door there is the entrance of the Gothic chapel and to the left, the entrance of the Coffered Hall. It presently houses the General University Library.