The ensemble Ars Lusitana, directed by the singer and harpist Maria Bayley, is dedicated to the research and recovery of the Portuguese musical heritage.
The programme for this concert focuses on Renaissance music from women's convents, in particular the mass O gram senhora, found in a manuscript preserved in the Museum of Sacred Art in Arouca (Portugal). It is a work dedicated to the Virgin Mary, attributed to a certain "Brasil", a composer whose biographical details are unknown, and based on a devotional piece of the same title that has not been preserved. The programme also proposes the reconstruction of a lost practice, the performance of a four-voice mass, in which the three upper parts are sung and the lower part is played by the bassoon, the predecessor of the bassoon.
In addition, the programme includes, as a liturgical recreation, other works from the Portuguese chant and polyphonic repertoires of the same period, and works for organ from the Iberian repertoire of the 16th century.