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Libros de contos para levar no peto
[For children]
Libros de contos para levar no peto
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A storytelling session for children to listen, laugh and dream. Pockets are ideal places to keep everything, including storybooks that hold a thousand and one stories. In the right-hand pocket go stories for laughter and fun; in the left-hand pockets go scary stories and stories that make you cry. So you have to be very careful which stories go in which pockets.
In the assembly hall. For children from 3 to 8 years old.

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Libros de contos para levar no peto
Libros de contos para levar no peto

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Biblioteca Pública Ánxel Casal
Avenida de Xoán XXIII s/n, Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, 15704
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Libros de contos para levar no peto
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