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V Festa do Banquete de Conxo
V Festa do Banquete de Conxo
24/05/2024 - 26/05/2024
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The banquet that brought together university students, workers and craftsmen around the same table on 2 March 1856 to demand equality and freedom, remains in the collective memory as one of the foundational events of the galeguismo.



Friday, May 24

• 5:30 p.m. “As voces do bosque.” A literary trip through the historic oak grove de Conxo guided by the editor and writer Quique Alvarellos remembering the writers thatwrote about the grove or in it, from the 12th c. to the 19th c. Suitable for all ages. Galician. Duration. 90 min approx. Departure point: in front of the Conxo church. Inscription.

• 6:30 p.m. Traditional dance workshop led by the Pena Maior Cultural Association of Marrozos. Basic skills can be acquired in the approach to traditional Galician dance, accompanied by live music from pandereiteiras, where points for dancing rhythms as popular as a jota or the muiñeira will be learned. Activity open to the general public without prior registration. Conxo Square.

• 7:00 p.m. / 8:45 p.m. Banquete de Conxo SCAPE ROOM. Taking advantage of the natural wealth that the Banquete Forest offers us, we will develop this activity where our main objective will be to learn as a family about the history and natural resources that surround it. With fun tests and games, participants will have to demonstrate their knowledge of this historical milestone. Maximum group of 10 people per shift (each minor may be accompanied by an adult). Recommended age from 7 to 14 years. Registration from May 15 to 22 at the CSC of Conxo.

• 7:30 p.m. Traditional singing workshop led by Muiñeiros do Sarela. CSC Aurelio Aguirre de Conxo.

• 9:00 p.m. Traditional singing in the local bars. With the participation of the Santiago groups Esfolladores, Colexiata de Sar, Muiñeiros do Sarela, Devagariño, Sapamamas, Son da illa, Cantamadeira and cantador@s de reccandea. The songs will take place in the bars Caimán, A Chara, Alquimia, Barrigola, Marló, os Mallos, Meiga and the commission's canteen. Activity coordinated by Muiñeiros do Sarela.

Saturday May 25

• 9:30 a.m. /11:30 a.m. Birdwatching workshop. Maximum group 10 people per workshop. Minimum age 8 years. You will need to bring binoculars. Pets are not allowed. Directed by Rosa Fernandez, biologist and wildlife expert. Registration in order of request via email Point: Cornes Lake.

• 10:00 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. Forest therapy. Maximum group 16 people per shift. Minimum age 18 years. Pets are not allowed. Led by Merche Palomino, Body Coach, forest bathing guide (Forest Therapy Institute) and MBSR (Mindulness Based on Stress Reduction). Registration in order of request via email Point: Carballo from the Banquete de Conxo.

• 11:00 a.m. Water wheels route. Directed by Patricia Fernández, director of the “Sar River Restoration” project. Includes visit and exhibition of the operation of the Mourullo Mill (Multipurpose of Sar) at 12:00 p.m. Point: Entrance of the Sar path in the French Way Tunnel (O Tangueiro). Registration via email

11:00 am Festa Banquete de Conxo orientation race. Non-competitive test, with options and categories for all ages and levels and the possibility of taking the test individually or in groups, encouraging the participation of families. The race will take place through the grounds of the Banquet forest itself. Free activity with prior registration through

•1:00 p.m Concert by Boa Sunet. Resident band of the Centro Xove da Almáciga. Aurelio Aguirre Square.

• 6:00 p.m. “Libros, mente e saúde” Round table. Conducted by Rosa Cerqueiro Landín, clinical psychologist at the Conxo Psychiatric Hospital and with the participation of Xurxo Alonso, Antía Yáñez and Montse Fajardo. Authors and professionals will debate mental health using recently published literary works as a common thread. Letters from Conxo by Xurxo Alonso, Rotas by Montse Fajardo and Don't Think About a Pink Elephant by Antía Yáñez. Cloister of the Conxo Psychiatric Hospital.

•6:30 p.m Circanelo by N+1 Company. Performance for family audiences. Praza Central de Conxo.

• 7:00 p.m. Fraternal Singing. With the participation of the Conxo Psychiatric Choir directed by Ángel Casillas; Santa Susana Choir directed by Marcos Mato Collazo; Habaneras Rocha Forte Choir directed by Sebastián Fernández Tapia; Crecente Choir of Grave Voices directed by Francisco Xavier Freire Chico; Friends of Castiñeiriño Choir directed by Iolanda Eiras; Pena Maior Group of Marrozos directed by Ana Tejo and Traditional Orfeón of the Collegiate Church of Sar directed by María Xosé López. Manuel Abraldes, Director of the Encaixe Choir. Stairs of the Conxo Psychiatric Hospital.  

• 9:00 p.m. Poetry Festival. Led by Lorena Conde. With the musical participation of Filloas, Ash Diz and C Mirazo and the poets Sara Porto Puente, Diana Kurich, Branca Trigo and Marta Dacosta. Aurelio Aguirre Square.

Sunday May 26

• 11:00 a.m.“Alá van estudantes e artesás”. Theatrical parade from the Plaza de O Toural to Conxo. Directed by: Os Quinquilláns. Participating: Os Quinquilláns, Brigadas Teatrais de Catoira, As Superactivas of the CSC of Santa Marta, Teatro do Muíño (Laraño), Teatro do Solpor (Vite), Clube Mozo y Veciñanza Activa do CSC Aurelio Aguirre de Conxo, Teatro Mediogüevo, Asociación Aspas, Mercedes Espiño, Os Farrapos street music, A Oliveira Choir, Muller do Couto Theater Group. Musical accompaniment by Luís, O Caruncho.

• 12:00 pm Let’s folk! Concert. Suzukiños group. Jigs, muiñeiras, pasodobres, Irish, Galician and Celtic folk songs with the Suzukiños, a band in which girls and boys play violin, viola and cello who are developing their musical career with the Suzuki Method from the En Clave Suzuki Method school. Aurelio Aguirre Square.

• 12:45 pm Opening Speech of the Banquete de Conxo  by María Luísa López Otero, a resident of Marrozos. Conxo Square.

• 1:00 p.m. “Baixamos ao bosque do Banquete” Continuation of the theatre parad as far as the Conxo oak grove. Os Quinquilláns accompanied by the group Os Fondaos do Pífaro, Os Gaiteiros de Conxo and various groups.

• 2:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Photocall. Conxo mosaic.

• 2:15 p.m. Welcome and theatrical recreation of the Banquete de Conxo. Os Quinquillans. Carballeira de Conxo.

• 3:00 p.m. Picnic and traditional festival, with toasts from neighbors. Carballeira de Conxo.

• 4:30-7:00 p.m. Parade and show “Sound Transhumance” by Paporrubio. Carballeira de Conxo. A group of friendly “big-headed” animals made up of a pig, a cow and a donkey are accompanied by two musicians along a route among those attending the Banquete de Conxo.

• Installation and animation with Juegos Paporrubio. Autonomous and animated games with an agricultural theme, which introduce us to one of the smallest, funniest and most singing birds of our fauna and which this year accompanies us at the Festival as the main protagonist.

• 5:00 p.m. Serán da Fraternidade. Traditional music affiliation with Os Fondaos do Pífaro, Devagarinho de Villestro, Association of Traditional Music and Dance of Conxo, Grupo de Cantos de Taberna Contedores de Recandea, Muiñeiros do Sarela and Asociación Pena Maior de Marrozos. Carballeira de Conxo.

5th Book Market

The fifth edition of this popular market will take place on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th in the Aurelio Aguirre square and will feature 16 stalls of booksellers, publishers and even illustrators linked to books.

This year the market will also feature a display of traditional crafts, with a live exhibition of the work of artisans from different traditional trades such as forging, ceramics and basketry.




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V Festa do Banquete de Conxo
V Festa do Banquete de Conxo

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