The initiative ‘Contos no parque’ of Espazo Apego will take place every Tuesday in August at 6pm in Bonaval Park (arches platform) with free access. This activity is aimed at children between 1 and 4 years old.
Tuesday 6 August
A Tropa de Trapo. ‘Barquiño de pau’ (+1 years old). A show of object theatre and music for early childhood where we will explore the senses.
Tuesday 13th August
Magín Blanco. ‘Caderno de cores e cancións’ (+3 years). Magín Blanco's most recent proposal offers a participative concert in which, in the company of the musician Pablo Vidal, he invites children to approach the creative process and play with the elements that make up the songs. The melodies, the harmonies and the poetic musicality of the rhymes.
Tuesday 20 August
Inventi Teatro. ‘As palabras perdidas’ (+4 years). The Countess Colorada and her assistant Leocadiof are travellers from far away. The Countess, a well-known storyteller with an international reputation, is about to tell her favourite story, but when she opens the book, she realises that her story is full of holes. Important words are missing, such as ‘ganapan’, ‘vagalume’ and ‘verme’. The words have fled from the story, erased for lack of use. Only by using them again will they return to the story.
Tuesday 27th August
Alakrán Puppets. ‘Circo galaico’ (+3 years). Variety show led by a presenter who will be the master of ceremonies of classic and unusual circus acts.