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Concert of neighbourhood choirs in San Fiz de Solovio
Concert of neighbourhood choirs in San Fiz de Solovio
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Concert of neighbourhood choirs in San Fiz de Solovio

San Fiz de Solovio will host this Christmas a very special choir concert, performed by the neighbourhood choirs of Conxo, Vite and Marrozos.V isit of the Christmas page girl before the concert: 17:30H

This concert is the result of the collaboration between the municipal areas of Tourism of Santiago de Compostela and the Municipal Network of Sociocultural Centres. This collaboration, which was born in this Nadal 2023, aims to give visibility to the neighbourhood of Compostela in an essential monumental space in the Christmas of our city as is the church of San Fiz, taking the opportunity of the exhibition of the beautiful traditional nativity scene that is installed there, renewed, every year at this time.
The church of San Fiz de Solovio is fundamental in the founding history of Santiago, in addition to the fact that its tympanum houses a beautiful Gothic representation of the Epiphany or Adoration of the Magi.


Crecente Choir, from Conxo

1.- Alá pola noite (popular Christmas carol; arrangement by Nemesio García Carril)
2.- Onte a noite nun palleiro (popular Christmas carol)
3.- O cantar que a Virxe canta (popular Christmas carol)

Coral da Ponte Mantible, de Guadalupe, Vite

1.- Mariñeiro (by Rogelio Groba)
2.- Naceu o Neniño Deus (by Michael Praetorios)
3.- Ruada de Chamosa (by Julio Domínguez)

Pandereteiras de la Asociación Cultural Pena Maior, from Marrozos

1. Reices de San Miguel de Arzúa (repertoire by Xulio "o Froilás")
2. Licencia e Gloria (Christmas carol of the parish of Marrozos and surroundings)
3.  Con sombreiriño de palla (popular Christmas carol)



The CRECENTE CHOIR of bass voices, began its journey in the neighbourhood of Conxo in April 2019, on the initiative of several choristers who participated in the staging of the opera "A Traviata", which was performed on those dates in Santiago and different cities of Galicia.

At present, the choir is made up of twenty male voices, grouped in four strings, all music lovers and directed by Francisco Xavier Freire Chico, a businessman from Santiago de Compostela and a passionate musician.

Its varied repertoire includes Galician popular music, habaneras, classical and religious music. The official presentation of the choir of this Association took place on 15 June 2022, in the AFUNDACIÓN-ABANCA auditorium in Santiago de Compostela, with a proposal composed mainly of works in the style known as "habaneras", as the result of a musical project, which reflected on the emigration of our country in the 19th and 20th centuries, and its music.

During this short period of time they took part in an important number of cultural competitions with other groups, and they are still working to participate in several performances already committed for the next 2024, some of them outside our country.


It was born in September 2002 with the intention of promoting Galician popular music and encouraging the neighbours of Guadalupe and its surroundings to sing.

The repertoire consists mainly of Galician folk songs, habaneras, some Palace music from the 15th and 16th centuries and also religious music.

Since its foundation it belongs to C.C.C (CANTORUM COMPOSTELLANA CONIUNCTIU) and also to the Galician Choral Federation (FECOGA). It is currently made up of 28 members aged between forty and seventy-five years old. The musical direction is in charge of MALENA PAZOS PINTOR. 


In the parish of Marrozos, which belongs to the municipality of Santiago de Compostela, the Pena Maior de Marrozos Cultural Association was founded in December 1986. The Pena Maior Cultural Association has been working for more than thirty-six years in the defence and enhancement of traditional Galician culture. The effort and enthusiasm of many people, treasure the trajectory of this formation of rural Compostela in the preservation of traditional music and dance.

Currently, more than sixty people are part of the association, with an age ranging from three to sixty years old. This association has different sections that deal with the disciplines of traditional dance, singing, percussion, tambourine, bagpipes and accordion. Miudiños, Cantaruxeiros de Ardagán, Repeniqueiras, Son de Ferreña, Xoaniñas,... are some of the nicknames given to the different groups of the association.

The main aims of the Association are the promotion and defence, among the members and their families, of the themes and values related to the cultural, social and patrimonial fields, with special emphasis on issues related to traditional Galician music and dance.

As a non-profit association, the work of the association and its activities are financed with the help of the members. The association maintains a close collaboration with and is supported by the Association of Neighbours of the Parish of Marrozos, the Association of the Parish of Marrozos, the Association of the Parish of Marrozos, the Association of the Parish of Marrozos and the Association of the Parish of Marrozos.

*The opening of San Fiz de Solovio at Christmas is an initiative of Turismo de Santiago and the Network of Sociocultural Centres of the City Council of Santiago. It has the collaboration of the Archbishopric of Santiago, the Mercado de Abastos and the Colegio Mayor de San Agustín. The traditional nativity scene is the work of Mr. José Uzal.

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Concert of neighbourhood choirs in San Fiz de Solovio
Concert of neighbourhood choirs in San Fiz de Solovio

More information

Church of San Fiz de Solovio
Praza de San Fiz de Solovio, Santiago de Compostela, 15704
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Concerto de corais veciñais en San Fiz de Solovio
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