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Contemporary architecture

Contemporary Architecture: Singular Buildings and Designer Urban Development

Santiago´s singularity and charm has been growing throughout the ages with the combination and superimposition of styles from different periods, as we can see in Plaza del Obradoiro. The new projects from contemporary times have enriched this accumulative image defining the city even further. Today´s architects, some of international renown, transform the urban space just as the stonemasons, who came from afar, did so in the past.

Santiago de Compostela’s heritage has been increased in the last two decades with an outstanding series of contemporary architecture and urban development projects. Some of these were undertaken in the monumental quarter, interacting with the city´s internationally acclaimed heritage.

Santiago´s importance throughout the ages has turned the city into the effective and symbolic centre of Galicia. The public institutions have responded to this stimulus with quality buildings and urban designs that, during the last fifteen years, have been carried out in the city by some of the world´s most important contemporary architects: Álvaro Siza, Manuel Gallego Jorreto, Giorgio Grassi, John Hejduk, Josef Paul Kleihues, Alberto Noguerol, Andrés Perea, Arata Isozaki, Peter Eisenman, César Portela, Víctor López Cotelo, Albert Viaplana and Helio Piñón, etc.

You can see some of the most outstanding contemporary projects by touring the parks surrounding the old town, while also discovering surprising perspectives of the monumental quarter.

Contemporary architecture with tag Exhibitions