Santiago de Compostela is a very safe city where you can walk about freely during the day and night. However, the following services are available should you need any help. If you have a language problem, you can ask for assistance at the tourist offices.
Lost Property. Municipal Police (Pazo de Raxoi).
Tel: 981 543 027 / 981 542 323
Civil Defence Santiago de Compostela
Tel: 981 575 000
Lost or Stolen Documentation
National Police. Rodrigo de Padrón, 3 Tel: 981 551 100. Emergencies: 091
Personal Safety Complaints
Municipal Police. Pazo de Raxoi s/n Tel: 981 542 323. Emergencies: 092
National Police. Rodrigo de Padrón, 3. Tel: 981 551 100. Emergencies: 091
Tourist Services Complaint
Turismo de Galicia Agency. Praza de Mazarelos, 15 – 1º. Telf: 981 546 358
Municipal Tourist Office. Rúa do Vilar, 63. Telf: 981 555 129
Emergency Telephone Numbers
General emergencies (24 h.): 112
Fire Brigade: 080
Civil Guard: 062
Forest Fires: 085
Local Police: 092
National Police: 091