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Routes from Santiago

Routes from Santiago

In order to become acquainted with Galicia 's limitless and extremely interesting heritage, we suggest the following routes from Santiago, which you can make in your own vehicle or as part of the organised sightseeing tours from Santiago.

Santiago de Compostela has traditionally been a point of arrival. Many routes lead to the city under the name of Way of St. James, being followed by pilgrims that have come to visit the Apostle's tomb during the last one thousand years; there are also modern communication links that bring visitors by land and air. Located in the centre of Galicia, Santiago de Compostela as astarting point, makes is possible to visit in very little time other places of interest throughout the varied and fascinating region of Galicia.

This is the case of cities such as A Coruña, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra or Vigo, but also of beautiful and accessible places: centuries-old forests, green mountain landscapes, rivers, charming villages dotted with ‘hórreos' -stone granaries- and ‘cruceiros' -stone crosses-, rural ‘pazos' -ancestral homes- and historical gardens, forts, thousands of churches, convents and monasteries, typical seafaring towns and medieval acropolises, pre-historical settlements and megalithic monuments. And, of course, Spain's most important coastline, made up of the famous ‘rias', the Rías Baixas and Rías Altas, where the mountains meet the sea, and of the rough and mythical Costa da Morte -Death Coast-.

And there is also Galicia 's excellent gastronomy and renowned wines, based on the natural products of great quality provided by Galicia 's fertile land.

The singularity of its fascinating intangible heritage, of its superstitions and beliefs, which reflect the ancestral and mystical nature of traditional Galicia, complete this magical region's repertoire of attractions.

Some of these itineraries are offered as organised tours by local guides. Check here.

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Routes from Santiago with tag Nature