This brotherhood is in charge of the Procession of 'El Cristo de la Paciencia' on Holy Tuesday and Dominica in Albis.
Year of foundation
Founded in 1629
The “Cofradía y Esclavitud de Nuestra Señora Madre María Santísima de las Mercedes” became the “Cofradía de la Eslavatud del Cristo y de la Merced” in 1732.
The image of the crucified Jesus, made by Gregorio Fernández (Valladolid, 1628), became famous in Compostela with crowds flocking to venerate the sacred image on ash Wednesday and to the procession on the second Sunday of Easter (Dominica in albis), which went from the Cathedral to the monastery of Padres Mercedarios in Conxo.
The procession and brotherhood were revived in 1980 after many years of absence in Holy Week.
Church of a Mercé (Conxo)
Starting point
Holy Tuesday: Convento de Nais Mercedarias
“Dominica in Albis”: Catedral
To Be Taken Into Account...
Procession featuring guided parish cross, band music with bugles and drums and the Municipal Music Band.
Its members wear a white serge habit with red wristbands, sash and hood.
The statue of “El Santísimo Cristo de la Paciencia” is a crucified Jesus that replaces in the procession the regular one, made by Gregorio Fernández.