This entity is in charge of the Way of the Cross on Holy Wednesday.
Year of Foundation
The Way of the Cross was founded by the brotherhood of “Nuestro Padre Jesús Flagelado,” with the collaboration of the brotherhoods of “Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno” and “La Santísima Virgen de los Dolores” and the brotherhood of “El Santo Cristo de la Unción y Nuestra Señora de la Serenidad.”
In 1988, after being absent from Holy Week for 21 years, Archbishop Antonio María Rouco Varela asked the Coordinator of Secular Religious Organisations to restart it. It has not been suspended during the last 20 years, acquiring more and more splendour.
At present, the 14 stations of the Cross are distributed througout the itinerary, being marked by wooden crosses, where the meditations started by Pope John Paul II at Rome’s Coliseum on Good Friday, 1991, are carried out.
Home-Starting point
Church of San Francisco
To Be Taken Into Account...
The procession originally featured the Franciscan Fathers’ damascus cross, but in 1957 it was replaced by the statue of “El Cristo de la Paciencia de Conxo.”
It is always presided by the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, with the participation of representatives of all of Compostela’s brotherhoods.