A large natural space on the slopes of Monte Pedroso (Compostela's most emblematic hill), halfway between a city park -due to its configuration, layout and facilities- and forest; in fact, it is...
Los 18.000 metros cuadrados de la Finca do Espiño atesoran una importantísima riqueza botánica y zoológica. En este parque, inaugurado en agosto de 2014, pueden...
These are directly linked with the previous parks, forming a corridor along both sides of the road. They are situated in the area of the Vite neighbourhood, very close to the bus station and the...
Belvís, a neighbourhood to the east of the old town, offers different viewpoints. From the top of the As Trompas hill, all you can see of the Cathedral are its towers, which appear above...
Halfway up Monte Pedroso is Granxa do Xesto, a public green space that is half city park, half forest and features small artificial lakes and a peaceful wooden cafeteria with a wonderful view of...
Monte Pedroso, in the west, is the city´s most emblematic hill. Protected for years from construction so that no building can ever rival the Apostle´s Basilica in height or...
Santiago is a city made for walking… And when walking, it is better to do so accompanied by the vegetation and fresh air of the parks surrounding the old town. These parks also...