The Convent of San Lourenzo de Trasouto was founded at the beginning of the 12th century in a shady oak grove on the banks of the River Sarela. Outside this building, which was eventually turned...
Situated alongside a watercourse, beside Xixón Park, near the bus terminus. They make up an area with a lot of shade, crossed by the Corgo stream, with good services and extensive areas...
These are directly linked with the previous parks, forming a corridor along both sides of the road. They are situated in the area of the Vite neighbourhood, very close to the bus station and the...
San Domingos de Bonaval Park, on the Almáciga hill´s western slope, provides singular views of the old town´s rooftops, which open out as we go uphill. From here, the colourful...
The highest part of Carlomagno Park is traditionally known as Alto da Canteira. From the top you can clearly see the entire well-planned Fontiñas residential neighbourhood. Further away,...
Situated in the Almáciga neighbourhood, very close to the bus station, it occupies the city´s highest hill, making it a privileged watchtower with excellent views of the surrounding...
Santiago is a city made for walking… And when walking, it is better to do so accompanied by the vegetation and fresh air of the parks surrounding the old town. These parks also...