What is the Santiago de Compostela Film Commission (SCFC)?
Santiago de Compostela Film Commission is an audiovisual promotion office. Its objective is promoting the city of Santiago de Compostela’s cultural image. This is done by stimulating the image culture, as well as stimulating and consolidating the film and audiovisual industries and all related services.
Where is the Santiago de Compostela Film Comisión (SCFC)?
Rúa do Vilar, 63
15705 Santiago de Compostela
Telephone: 981 555 129
E-mail: scfc@santiagoturismo.com
Contact: Dimas González Bennett
Is it a profit-making organism?
It is a non-profit audiovisual promotion office that was founded in 2002 as a public service by Santiago de Compostela City Council, on which it is dependent.
Is payment required for its services?
What is required in order to film in Santiago de Compostela?
A filming form has to be filled in. It may be obtained from our website or office. Once it is filled in, it is sent to the Government Committee for its approval.
How much does it cost to film in Santiago de Compostela?
Daily filming fee: about 410 euros. However, a 50% discount is applied to cinematographic or similar projects that duly certify that the resulting product will contribute significantly to the promotion of the city of Santiago de Compostela; such projects also have to include the collaboration of Santiago City Council in the credits and promotion of their films. To that end, interested production companies should present a brief letter clearly explaining the reasons why their project will benefit the public image of the city and its inhabitants.
How much does it cost to obtain the necessary permits?
Obtaining permits does not cost anything. SCFC provides a free advisory and processing service.
How can permits be applied for by means of SCFC?
All that is required is filling in two forms: a general one, which contains information about the production company, a description of the project including budget data, the approximate number of technical and artistic personnel, and the technical elements that will be used during filming; and another one related to the place where filming will take place or to the service that is requested. Both forms may be obtained from the SCFC website or office.
Does SCFC also provide permits for advertising productions?
Does the SCFC team provide help in finding film locations?
Yes, it can facilitate the task of finding locations by providing advice and information about the feasibility of filming in a certain area. Thanks to our experience, we can point out the pros and cons of possible locations, while suggesting places unknown to the producer.
What insurance policies are required?
Logically, all production companies involved in a filming project have to have one or more insurance policies covering any risks in the different production stages. Many companies and institutions related to the world of cinema require proof of such policies before granting permits or providing services.
So-called civil liability insurance covers all possible damages that the production personnel may cause to third parties. It can be obtained from a local or foreign company, but should always be valid from the beginning of production to the end of post-production. It is also common to have recorded material or negative insurance, which covers any damage or loss affecting the film negatives during filming, the different processing stages, storage and transportation.
Production companies can also take out another kind of insurance policy in order to protect the different resources used during the project, such as sets, costumes, animals, cameras, etc. Taking out such insurance is a complex matter that varies according to each production’s magnitude and individual characteristics. SCFC therefore recommends dealing with insurance companies accustomed to working with the audiovisual industry.