Cultural Diary from 24/01/2022

Santiago de Compostela
Boqueixón, A Estrada, Silleda, Touro, Vedra, Vila de Cruces

The “Xenerais da Ulla” is the most outstanding feature of the Ulla region’s traditional Carnival. It has been held in the surroundings of Santiago since the first half of the 19th century: the “Xenerais” (generals) ride on horseback, dressed in colourful military garments similar to those of that time, but they also include purely carnivalesque adornments, which the horses also wear.

The finery, of both the “Xenerais” and their horses, stand out due to their tradition, originality, colours and degree of elaboration, making them highly valuable.

The “Entroido da Ulla” (Carnival) originated in the first half of the 19th century and is based on the combats that took place in the region during that century: the invasion of Napoleon’s army, the 1846 revolution and the Carlist wars. Its main characters are therefore brightly coloured figures that recreate those historical episodes.

“Xenerais” and adorned dispatch... read more

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The parish of Angrois in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais da Ulla perfomance.

- 7.00 pm. Angrois (Santiago de Compostela) Campo da festa de Soutiño

GPS: 42º 51´ 35” / 8º 31´ 41“ 

The natural region of A Ulla features an original rural carnaval, whose record goes back to the mid-19 century.

The most important characters are the “xenerais” (generals) and “correos” (dispath raiders) on horseback, who go around the parishes throughout the day “cheering” residents and visitors, accompanied by an “army” of standard bearers, choirs and carnival groups.

They finish by stanging an “atranque” or “alto”, a dialectic confrontation in pairs, which is used to make fun of local, political or social affairs from the previous year.

The “Entroido da Ulla” features small differences from one parish to another, each of which has small defining... read more

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The parish of Aríns in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais da Ulla perfomance.

- 19:00 h. Aríns (Santiago de Compostela)

Campo da Festa - r/San Martiño

GPS: 42º 51’ 50’’ / 8º 30’ 14’’

The natural region of A Ulla features an original rural carnaval, whose record goes back to the mid-19 century.

The most important characters are the “xenerais” (generals) and “correos” (dispath raiders) on horseback, who go around the parishes throughout the day “cheering” residents and visitors, accompanied by an “army” of standard bearers, choirs and carnival groups.

They finish by stanging an “atranque” or “alto”, a dialectic confrontation in... read more

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On the afternoon of February 11, the parish of O Eixo in Santiago de Compostela celebrates its traditional carnival with the so-called Xenerais da Ulla perfomance, which involves a stagin where different characters take part.

- 7.00 pm. O Eixo (Santiago) Carballeira do Souto - Santa Lucía

GPS: 42º 50´ 52.74” / 8º 31´ 25.36“ 

The natural region of A Ulla features an original rural carnaval, whose record goes back to the mid-19 century.

The most important characters are the “xenerais” (generals) and “correos” (dispath raiders) on horseback, who go around the parishes throughout the day “cheering” residents and visitors, accompanied by an “army” of standard bearers, choirs and carnival groups.

They finish by stanging an “atranque” or “alto”, a dialectic... read more

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