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113 matches
Ingredients Semi-cured cheese Flour Balsamic vinegar Oregano Black olive Lettuce  Recipe Dip cheese in flour...
Ingredients Fresh bread Loin (“raxo”) Galician cheese Olive oil Salt  Recipe Cut finger-thick slice...
Ingredients 20 g ham foreleg 5 g chorizo 10 g green cheese 1/2 glass of chicken stock 1 tablespoonful of stew stock 20...
Ingredients Angler cheek Foie Pumpkin Brie paste Salt Extra virgin olive oil Potato, onion, leek Iberian...
Ingredients Fresh pasta Lamprey Mencía wine Fig jam Foie Dark chocolate  Recipe Make lamprey civet...
Ingredients Octopus Salt Pepper Cream Olive oil Fish tails Mussel Onion Garlic Bay...
Ingredients Cured beef Duck liver pâté Quince Black pepper Virgin olive oil Toasted bread Recipe Cut...
Ingredients 50 g crystallised sucking pig 20 g apple sauce (Reineta compote) 1 glass Albariño wine Prune macerated in...
Ingredients 20 g octopus 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 1 onion Vinegar Salt 1 peach Caper (according to...
Ingredients 1 boneless sardine loin 10 g of blended turnip tops or green beans, according to season 20 g boiled potato 3 g plant...