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College life

56 matches | College life
The Aula P. López Calo of the Colegio Mayor San Agustín together with the choir Capela Antiga directed by Miro Moreira and the...
APPROXIMATE DATES This festival is an actual platform of the theatrical university movement of Galicia, since all the companies of the USC are...
Mathematician and populariser Marta Macho Stadler (Bilbao, 1962) visits Santiago to give this talk, as part of the IGFAE's Science Week. In her...
The facilities of the Natural History Museum in Vista Alegre Park enable the general public to visit a collection that goes back to the 19th...
Luis Rodríguez Camarero's works are characterised by their material quality and chromatic beauty, with the use of a personal technique of...
In Alameda Park, on the hill of Santa Susana's western slope, is the balustrade overlooking the South University Campus. From there, the view of...
This green, tapestry-like meadow is located at the foot of the Auditorio de Galicia (which explains its name) and on the banks of the small Corgo...
Situated beside each other, in contact with Music in Compostela Park, near the bus terminus. The two form a well-kept area with extensive green...
In the 12th century, Plaza de Cervantes was known as the `Forum´, since it was a popular meeting place where the town crier read municipal...
Leaving Plaza del Obradoiro towards Rúa do Franco, we come across Colegio de Fonseca, which may be considered the first real building...