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Mercado de Abastos

25 matches | Mercado de Abastos
Bib Gourmand restaurant in the 2020 Michelin Guide housed in the old Pazo de Altamira, in the same building as the hotel of the same name. It...
La concejala de Turismo, Marta Lois, y el vicepresidente de la sección de restauración de la Asociación Hostelería...
We cannot overlook Santiago's famous food market, founded more than a century ago and also located in the old town. It is a large, traditional...
The street Cardenal Payá takes us to Plaza de Mazarelos, which features the only existingarchway from the medieval walls. The...
  Hake, turbot, grouper, sea bass, sole, read bream and monkfish are the Galician fish that you will find “swimming” in what is...
El Mercado de Abastos será uno de los puntos de referencia del Fórum Ciudad, que comienza este jueves y se...
The 19th Century In addition to the interventions aimed at enhancing the urban fabric, two public operations took place in Santiago during the...
El jueves 18 de septiembre dará comienzo la I edición de ‘Compostela Gastronómica, Festival da Cociña...
Restaurant located in “Nave” (Building) 5 of the “Mercado de Abastos” (Food Market), where they cook the produce you buy...
Santiago's present-day Food Market was built in 1941. The previous City Market, which was demolished in 1937 to make way for the current...